Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I refutiate Sarah Palins reality

I really have no interest in Sarah Palin and typically don't even find her worth discussing given the complete lack of value that she adds to any argument. Her recent statements do however fall in to a category that would be considered a pet peeve of mine: Liberal Media Bias.

I'm certain you are going to find people complaining that the media is showing a liberal bias by reporting on her recent word gaffe. These people have it completely wrong. I routinely butcher the English language and I take no issue with people making up words (see Repubocrisy in this blog). The only reason the media is discussing her made up word is because she followed it up with ridiculous statements comparing herself the Shakespeare.

Unfortunately for Sarah Palin and the people who support her there is a huge difference between being a literary genius who creates a word for artistic purposes and an aspiring politician who refuses to admit when she makes a mistake.

The problem for someone like me is that Sarah supporters will think this is an example of her being witty. I can't even put into words how sad that is.

As Winston Churchill stated: “All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.”

Maybe this mistake about not accepting when you make a mistake will be Sarah Palin's start towards becoming wise...yeah, probably not.


  1. The Tea Party people will look the other way on this one too. Just like the "Russia is in my backyard" gaffe-this is a very harrowing look into the brain of Sarah Palin. God help us all if this woman is ever elected to a national office!

  2. I like to think that our Democratic system can isolate the crazies like Palin and limit the damage they can do. If not Michele Bachmann would have ruined things a long time ago.
