Friday, October 14, 2011

Ten Steps to being Right

Given the spread of the Occupy movement the conservative bloggers are starting to come out of the wood works giving us their take on the protest and the protesters. One such article is by Steve Gunn of the Muskegon Chronicle. It follows a fairly routine pattern associated with conservative talking heads.

Step one: Belittle those you disagree with.

"I'm not sure what to make of all the freaky looking ... ridiculous Woodstock Wannabes"

Step two: Trivialize the current situation.

"Recessions happen from time to time, no matter how much we worry or complain about them"

Step three: Completely misrepresent what the opposition stands for.

"Blaming rich people for the state of the economy is not going to solve anything."

Step four: Make ideological statements, which you errantly think sets you apart from the opposition then completely contradict yourself.

"Whatever happened to the idea of personal responsibility? When did all of our problems suddently become someone else's fault?"

"Obama's been kicking the economic can down the street for nearly three years...the protesters should demand that Obama pursue policies that will help American business recover and create more jobs for all of us."

Step five: Give personal accounts because you think it makes your opinion sound informed and irrefutable while giving the impression that the opposition is lazy and doesn't get it.

"I was born into a low-income family with six children and only one working parent, yet I've remained perpetually employed for the past 28 years."

"Not all of my jobs were very glorious. I put in my time at a car wash, several convenience stores and two factories before I worked my way through college and earned my degree."

"Yes, I've been paid to clean my share of toilets. I not only survived the experience, but went home every night feeling proud that I did something — anything — to carry my own weight in the world."

Step six: Combine steps 1 and 3.

"I get a kick out of all the silly folks in New York calling for an overthrow of capitalism. I suppose that means they want the federal government to seize private companies and operate the economy from the nation's capital."

Step seven: State your ideological statement from step four in a slightly different way.

"I respect people who have the intelligence and drive to make millions for themselves. Good for them. I hope they're happy."

Step eight: Completely fail to understand the point the opposition is trying to make using a cliche talking point.

"Wasting time worrying about the success of others will get them nowhere."

Step nine: Combine steps 1 through 8 in a grandiose final statement.

"They need to wake up and understand a basic fact of life: If you want something, you roll up your sleeves and earn it. Waiting for Father Obama to deliver the goods on a platter is a tragic waste of precious time."

Congratulations Steve Gunn, you nailed it. You made light of something that is very important to many people while making fun of them, stood on your principles even when they have almost nothing to do with the idea that you think you oppose, and proved that your opinion and seeing your name in print matters more than facts.

This of course leads us to Step ten: Set out a theme for readers to adhere to and then fail to follow it yourself.

In a post about personal responsibility Steve doesn't concern himself with the responsibility of getting his facts Right or hold Wall Street responsible for anything.

Here, here and here for a slightly more informed view on the movement.

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