Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn want you to pay more at the pump

Jim Demint and Tom Coburn would like to end the subsidies for Ethanol and would consider cutting the subsidies to gas and oil companies as well. In the end cutting these subsidies will lead to higher gas prices since the big companies that are part of these subsidies have no interest in lower profits. That means the American taxpayer will be on the hook for any short fall left by the ending of these subsidies.

Truth be told I'm perfectly fine with this plan as I have mentioned before on this blog I loathe ethanol and the company that has forced it on the American public - ADM. In addition I don't understand why we would subsidies a product that we would really like to get away from using. We should subsidies the American made energy that has a high output to input ratio not the worst form of renewable energy in ethanol and the oil and gas from Arab nations. This is the part of big government that I don't like - the part that is bought and paid for by big business. So Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, I support your efforts. Maybe this will be the time that a Republican actually has the balls to support the good of the general public over big business. Probably not, but this is some of the best rhetoric I have heard from a Republican in years.

1 comment:

  1. Derek Anderson fan says...

    I support this as well.

    And Tom Coburn voted for the Brown-Kaufman Amendment (end TBTF)... so kudos to him for being willing to go against his party from time-to-time.
