Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Threat of Socialism

One of the talking points I hear from Republicans is that Obama is a socialist and his policies promoting socialism are ruining the country. Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich even went as far as naming his recent book "To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine" in an effort to exploit this misconception.

What I find odd about this claim is not how baseless it is but how subjective the premise of the argument is. Those making this claim act like there is a clearly defined line that makes one socialist, as if tax payer funded roads, police, education and the USPS are not forms of socialism but raising taxes on the super rich is.

This claim of socialism seems very politically motivated since there is a socialist movement sweeping the nation faster than Sharia Law and no one seems to be talking about it. I am of course talking about Credit Unions. According to Wikipedia "A credit union is a cooperative financial institution that is owned and controlled by its members" and "A cooperative is a business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit" and "Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are publicly or commonly owned and controlled co-operatively".

As you can see a Credit Union is a member owned Cooperative and Socialism is a Cooperative that is commonly owned i.e. Credit Unions = Socialism.

Not convinced?

Well consider this. Nearly 4 million people moved their money out of the Wall Street banks in 2010 and now nearly 93 million Americans* are Credit Union members. It is estimated that this shift costs the big banks $9.2 billion a year. To make matters worse in 1937 Congress gave Credit Unions Tax exempt status meaning they pay no taxes on all of the profits they make as a non-profit.

How can trickle down economics succeed and return America to greatness if the average American takes his money out of the hands of rich investors and redistributes the wealth among the middle class?

The threat that socialist organizations like Credit Unions and other Cooperatives such as the Farmers Cooperative, pose to the American way of life can not be understated. They should be treated like other nefarious organizations such as Acorn, NPR and Planned Parenthood. They must be stopped!

*It should be noted that I am unable to verify the claim that these 93 million people are in fact Americans as none of them has submitted their long form birth certificate for my review

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