Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Job killing FCC

That job killing force known as the Federal Government is at it again. In yet another example of government overreach the FCC is instituting another new regulation and as everyone knows regulations kill jobs.

What is the new regulation you ask? Well the FCC has decided to punish companies that want to advertise using the television and force them to make sure that their vehicles of patriotism (commercials) are played on your television at the same volume as the program that you are watching.

I think we all know this is a clear violation of the freedom of speech for some of our countries most important people – corporations.

At this point the best thing we can do is just cross our fingers and hope that the damage isn’t too significant and that the Supreme Court fast tracks the challenges to this clearly unconstitutional regulation that we all know is an obvious attempt by President Obama to simultaneously implement Sharia law, limit the rights of true patriots, and force his socialist agenda down our throats.

May god help us.

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