Thursday, January 12, 2012

The never ending welfare state

In what is clearly a referendum on the Obama administrations job killing obsession with climate change; it snowed in Cordova, Alaska. If that doesn't prove climate change is a hoax I don't know what will.

What's more, thanks to this dusting of snow the mayor of Cordova, Alaska has declared a disaster emergency and has enlisted the help of the National Guard, the Coast Guard, and even Homeland Security to get the snow removed. Who is going to pay for all this government assistance? The American tax payer, that's who. If we send in the National Guard every time a little snow falls in Alaska we create a situation where these people will come dependent on the assistance and will never learn to shovel snow on their own. Lazy freeloaders like this are the reason we have such massive deficits. Just think of the money we could save if these people just demonstrated a little personal responsibility.

To make matters worse the town of Cordova wasted more tax payer money on infrastructure improvements which put their power lines underground preventing them from losing power during storms like this. This money could have been used to lower the tax burden on the valuable job creators in Cordova instead of continuing the welfare state.

This is just more proof of how President Obama is turning us into a nation of socialists by forcing emergency assistance down our throats rather than letting the free market take its course.

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