Thursday, February 9, 2012

Politicans having it both ways

It seems to be a common belief among conservatives that President Obama is not doing enough to work with Republicans. While I disagree with this opinion it should be noted the Dick Armey the former House Majority Leader believes that Democrats are the "mortal enemy" of the Republicans. Additionally when the President was first elected Rush Limbaugh said he hopes the President fails and Mitch McConnell, one of the guys the President is supposed to be working with to solve America's problems, has made it his goal to make sure Barack Obama is a one term President. If this mentality is common place among Republican legislatures it should come as no surprise that Obama or the Democrats in Congress are having trouble finding common ground. Why would you want to work across the aisle with your mortal enemy or someone whose stated goal is to see you fail and make you a one term President?

The reality is we are not a country full of Nazi's and Communists. We are a country of patriots who have different methods for solving the same problem and continuing to use inflammatory rhetoric to whip of the base does not lead to good solutions.

Mitt Romney is also using this same tactic of having it both ways now that the Republican primaries have become a real race. To bolster his brand Romney has taken to bashing Washington DC. Romney is now calling his opponents and the President "insiders" and recently stated that the people he is running against are “those who have been compromised by the culture of Washington,” and whose “soul is corrupted by a Washington culture.”

What I don't get is why this line of thinking would resonate among conservatives. Why would a group who believes so whole heartedly in the idea of personal responsibility believe that anyone who works in Washington DC is powerless to resist the corrupting influence of working in federal government. Additionally if the corrupting powers are so unavoidable then why should anyone believe that Mitt Romney will be the first to remain pure?

I also wonder why Romney thinks that his experience of being a businessman is important in the task of creating jobs but the experience of working in the Federal Government is a bad thing when applying for the job of running the Federal Government. Either experience is valuable or it isn't. Mitt doesn't get to pick and choose.

In the end this policy of having your cake and eating it too maybe good for getting elected but it is bad for this country.

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