Monday, March 26, 2012

March Pet Peeve

One of the timeless joys of being a sports fan is complaining about the announcers. For example, my parents generation bitched about Howard Cosell. My generation - given the huge increase in television coverage of all sports - get to whine about dozens of sportscasters who get on our nerves for reasons big and small.

The reason I bring this up is there seems to be a theme amongst the analysts doing the tournament games for CBS. They all have a hissy-fit every time a player takes a "quick" shot. It's like they all were forced to watch Hoosiers Clockwork Orange-style and have unanimously embraced Coach Norman Dale's philosophy on passing the ball several times before taking a shot. Steve Kerr will exhort the team to "run their stuff" before taking a shot; Bill Raftery will chide any player who doesn't "show patience".

Call me...uh, what is the opposite of "old fashioned"?, but I don't accept this line of thinking. "Running your stuff" is best viewed as a means to an end; and what is that end? It's getting an open shot! If you have an open shot without "running your stuff", take the shot! At least that is my opinion.

Anyway, if the New Yorks Knicks GM happens to find this blog post, please feel free to request a resume when you look to permanently fill the head coaching vacancy created by the departure of Mike D'Antoni. I am willing to work weekends. You offer health insurance, right?

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