Monday, April 9, 2012

Government overreach or convenient rhetoric

If you've listened to any conservative leaning news source over the past three years you most likely believe that President Obama and other various government entities such as the EPA have overstepped their authority.

This may or may not be true but it should be noted that here in Michigan a court recently ruled that the Michigan Department of Human Services exceeded their power by cutting welfare assistance to many who should not have been removed from the welfare rolls. It is also true that the Michigan legislature overstepped their authority by ignoring a constitutional requirement in the immediate affect clause.

While conservative news sources like Fox News are more than happy to list every perceived overreach by the Obama administration they seem to have completely missed these two events which have actually been declared by US courts to be illegal. Maybe we aren't really concerned about government overreach at all since if government overreach is bad, then it is bad regardless of which political party perpetrates the overreach yet that never seems to be the case. The complaints always seem to fall along party lines.

The good news is that interpreting the constitution and other laws is in the hands of those who actually know the law instead of being in the hands of the court of public opinion. So if Obama and other government entities are guilty of overstepping their authority the courts will let us know and everyone can rest easy knowing that the constitution exists un-trampled for another day.

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