Thursday, June 14, 2012

Michigan Republicans need to abort their attacks on women rights

When the debate over health care was focused on the Affordable Care Act (affectionately known as Obamacare or Romneycare) Republican Senator John Barrasso said “I don’t want anybody between a doctor and a patient" and Republican Representative John Boehner said we need to "stop excessive regulations".

Well apparently Michigan Republican's didn't get the memo because the restrictions on abortion rights they are currently entertaining are both excessive regulations and another example of politicians putting themselves squarely between a doctor and their patient.

The bill they have been discussing puts new regulations on abortion clinics and makes having an abortion after 20 weeks a crime even in case of rape or incest and even when a doctor recommends an abortion for the safety of the mother.

Roe vs. Wade makes the right to have an abortion as much of a constitutional right as the right to bear arms yet for some reason any attempt to limit gun rights is framed as infringing on personal freedom and on one's right to defend themselves. So to these people having an abortion to save your life is murder but shooting someone who you believe poses a threat is not only justifiable but warranted.

If these people truly valued human life they would use their power and the litany of research that exists on the topic to help prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening in the first place like what Planned Parenthood does. Instead Republicans have set as their top priorities cutting education spending, social welfare programs, and access to health care for the poor - all of which negatively affect the teen pregnancy rates - and then have the audacity to whine about the consequences their own misguided policies have caused.

It is time that our politicians took a little personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions instead of always blaming someone else for the problems they create.

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