Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blind Trust

A year and a half ago when Mitt Romney officially tossed his hat in the presidential ring, questions about his investments arose immediately. Having faced similar questions in his previous run for president Mitt now had the perfect answer, these investments weren't his. His wealth was now in a blind trust controlled by someone else.

Ironically this seems to be a theme for the Romney campaign. Interested in Mitt Romney's work at Bain Capital? You're going to have to exercise some blind trust in Mitt Romney because this information is off the table according to Mitt. Interested in the taxes that Mitt Romney pays? You will have to show a little blind trust in Mitt because he's only going to release the two years that his accounting firm has meticulously cleaned for public view. Interested in specific policy in a Mitt Romney presidency? You just need a bit of blind trust because Mitt Romney isn't going to give you any specifics.

Of course the blind trust doesn't only apply to you the American voter. Ever since securing his party’s nomination for president, Mitt Romney has put his policies in a blind trust. Essentially from day to day Romney is completely unaware of his current position on a give topic until he is coached on the answer that polls agree make him the most relatable.

At this point Romney has changed his position on abortion, minimum wage, health care mandates, Iran, gay rights, the GM bailout, climate change, tax cuts, immigration, Pell grants, and the 47% just to name a few.

Thanks to many voters blind trust in fallacies about Barack Obama they are willing to vote for anyone who labels themselves as "severely conservative" over the president. And if Mitt Romney wins the presidency on November 6th, he will owe it all to blind trust.

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