Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mitch McConnell should resign as leader

On December 7th 2010 Mitch McConnell said "Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term." Yet with the deck stacked in his favor Mitch McConnell failed to put together a winning hand.

This seems to be a massive miscalculation by McConnell given that the majority of Americans put jobs as their top priority over the past two years. To accomplish his goal Mitch McConnell obstructed the president's jobs bill, blocked a veteran's jobs bill, and forced the country to accept a reductions in government jobs totaling almost 700,000 jobs. And he did all of this so he could pin the tail on the donkey for all of the medicore recovery data.

But while this should anger those who are looking for work or put American well being ahead of political power, this failure should also bother moderate Republicans. Thanks to Mitch McConnell's obsession with Barack Obama he let the tea party legitimately rape the Republican party. And this oversight cost Mitch the change to be the majority leader as extreme tea party candidates lost to moderate Democrats. Instead of taking control of the senate as many Republican talking heads had predicted they actually lost seats.

Bottom line, if the leader of the Senate Republicans can't deliver on his top priority and loses seats in an election that was gift wrapped by a global recession, perhaps he isn't the right man for the job.

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