Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mike Huckabee's war on reality

Mike Huckabee says he has found a new way to make liberals mad. What is his technique? Well apparently because he parroted the concerns from other media outlets regarding the recent lack of women in President Obama's choices to replace outgoing members of his staff, he has taken some heat.

While some liberals may be upset with Mike Huckabee over his comments it seems that he is really missing the point of their furor. Having a Republican complain about the lack of diversity is a bit like the alcoholic who points out how many drinks you had that night - it's irritating for its hypocrisy.

Of course Huckabee fails to mention that the photo he uses as his example happens to include a woman (Valerie Jarrett). He also fails to mention that Obama has appointed two women to the Supreme Court and he doesn't mention that the percentage of women appointed under President Obama far exceeds that of George W. Bush.

And while Mike Huckabee complaining about the recent appointments of President Obama smacks of a pot/kettle problem, how he finishes his rant is what should really irritate liberals.

"I would remind you to review the speeches at the Democratic National Convention. The cry from the podium was not so much for positions of authority, but for free birth control pills and abortions any time, any place, for any reason, and at no cost. The image of women at the Democrat’s convention was that women were utterly helpless unless the government stepped in".

The problem with the statement is how utterly inaccurate it is. While I don't doubt that this is what Mike Huckabee thinks he heard when listening to the speeches at the Democratic National Convention, this is not what was actually said in these speeches and the Mike Huckabee translation sounds a lot like "All your base are belong to us".

And it is this situation where Mike Huckabee is filtering the words of liberals though his evangelical conservative biases, then pretending to understand their meaning, that is what is so irritating.

Because where Mike Huckabee sees free birth control liberals see a fight against a law allowing religious organizations to arbitrarily discriminate. Where Mike Huckabee sees Democrats protecting "helpless" women liberals see a fight against conservative government over reach attacking women’s rights. And where Mike Huckabee sees the murder of an unborn child liberals see the right of any person to remove a collection of cells from their body without a note from their local moral police.

Perverting the liberal message to some 30 second made for conservative TV quip may be a great way for Mike Huckabee to make liberals mad and gain ratings but all the diversionary tactics in the world won't cover the stink of the abismal Republican record on women's rights.

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