Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Business case for Climate Change

Regardless of the science behind it Climate Change is still a hotly debated topic. And this debate has far reaching implications that most don't consider. For example when parents deny the science of climate change or evolution and offer only their unprofessional opinion as proof they are teaching their kids that scientific methodologies that brought us a cure for Polio, that landed a man on the moon, and that lead to nuclear power are debatable.

And while many of these people will be the first to complain about the performance of our kids in school their arrogance could very well be the cause. After all if kids are constantly hearing that science is hokum then why would anyone want to become a scientist and if educators who teach evolution are "liars" why would kids treat them with respect. If parents are role models then these science denying parents are essentially telling kids that a layman’s understanding of the world is all you need and that professionals are not to be trusted.

Of course there are some who "believe" Climate Change is real they just don't think humans are responsible. But regardless of who is "responsible", Climate Change has a serious impact on all of us and we have a duty to find solutions. If a meteor were headed for the US we wouldn't just ignore it and say "well humans didn't create this problem". We would work together to prevent the devastating affects.

There is also a group that believes in Climate Change and thinks humans are responsible but think the solutions are "too expensive". While pervasive, this mentality couldn't be more wrong. As the old adage goes a stitch in time saves nine. The costs of Climate Change are not decreasing as the years go by. They are getting worse and failure to act now could have dire economic impacts later.

A recent study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that as the temperature rises from Climate Change work production is lost. While some of that can be mitigated with air conditioners it should be noted that operating air conditioners has a cost as well. We are also losing out on the jobs that are created by accepting the reality of Climate Change and working to slow its progress, such as solar panel and wind turbine manufacturing because we have placed the concern over higher energy costs above that over job creation.

There is also the costs from events like Superstorm Sandy and the extreme drought that we experienced this year. Even the bastions of Republican ideology - corporations and the US military - agree that Climate Change represents a significant threat to America and the burden of the costs of these events will again fall on the American consumer.

Denying Climate Change may gain votes and sell ad time but like it or not the costs and catastrophes associated with it are real. However facts and data are not really being debated here. No, this debate exists because a segment of the population denies that the experts in the military, the science community and affected industries know more than they do. Until we fix the problem of unjustified ego and information deficit this country is currently experiencing - tackling a complex issue like Climate Change will be nearly impossible.

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