Thursday, October 3, 2013

Republicans say they're not to blame for shutdown - except they really are.

The Republican opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA - affectionately known as Obamacare) is starting to look at lot like the Occupy Wall Street movement. They have a whole bunch of complaints but no one idea that really resonates with people and no suggestions for fixing the problem.

They say it kills jobs - except it really doesn't.

They say it was rammed through with no discussion - except it really wasn't.

They say the president won't compromise - except he definitely has.

They say American's don't like it - except they sort of do.

They say it costs too much - except it doesn't.

They say it has death panels - except that's not true.

They say unions want it repealed - except they actually don't.

They say it increases premiums - except it really doesn't.

They say it compares to Nazi Germany - except it most certainly does not.

They say the shutdown is Obama's fault - except that it isn't.

They say they want a compromise - except they don't even know what that is.

They say Obama will negotiate with Iran but not Republicans - except we don't negotiate with terrorist.

So the reason that the government shutdown and Republicans are taking the blame for it doesn't have to do with some mythological liberal media bias or how the ACA was passed or any of the other non-stories Republicans are throwing at the wall like spaghetti hoping that something - anything - will stick. No, the reason Republicans are taking the blame is that they say they want to compromise yet the only compromise they offered before the 11th hour was 42 separate votes to repeal the ACA.

Suggesting we are in a shutdown because the Democrats won't compromise ignores the rhetoric from Republicans over the past few years threatening to shut down the government, it ignores that complete lack of ideas coming from the Republican party to fix an imperfect law, and it ignores the reality that American's don't like to be held hostage by the people elected to solve problems - not create them.

There are not two equal sides to this debate. Republicans have been hell bent on eliminating the ACA since before it was enacted. If they had fully participated in a compromise before the bill became law instead of waiting three years, we could have easily avoided all of this silly political posturing - posturing that they say affects millions of Americans - except those that were elected to Congress.

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