Friday, February 28, 2014

Republicans are thugs

For decades one of the core principles of the Republican Party was that the government should be less involved in making decision for the populace. Unfortunately the actions of Republican legislators suggest that this meme only applies when Democrats are the ones making the rules.

If you are a woman and you would like to remove a collection of cells from your body the Republican Party feels they should have more control over your body than you do and have spent the past few years putting in rule after rule that puts politicians squarely between a woman and her doctor.

In North Carolina the government repeatedly blocked lawsuits against a massive energy company for damage to the environment and instead assessed a minor fine without ever requiring the company to fix the problems that were creating the environmental damage.

If you are gay the Republican Party has been shamed into reluctantly accepting you as citizens however they have altered state constitutions across the nation to ban same sex couples from being married.

Republicans in some Southern states are forcing students to learn creationism in science class even though there is no actual science involved.

But perhaps Republican's most duplicitous action so far was perpetrated in Tennessee where Republicans lied to and threatened Volkswagen employees regarding the potential results of their pending UAW vote.

Outside of the fact that these actions are the complete antithesis of what Republicans claim to support, Volkswagen actually would like the employees to have some form of representation to work with management. Given the results of the recent UAW vote, the Tennessee Volkswagen plant is now the only Volkswagen plant without a works council. According to a representative from the Volkswagen works council in Germany, the failure to form a representative body may cause the manufacturer to look to more union friendly location in the future.

One big question none of these politicians have ever answered is why they are so ardently against Volkswagen employees forming a union. The constitution allows for collective bargaining. The union voting was a democratic process. For the "buy American" crowd, the additional wages union employees make, helps keep more money in the US instead of letting it trickle down in Germany. Plus, Tennessee is already a right to work state which allows employees to opt out.

If Republicans were true to their word they would concede like former conservative hero turned union member Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher "It's an American worker's right to unionize" and that "the employees voted to have it that way and in America that's the way it is".

In the end getting the government out of your private life is just another false meme politicians sell to an under informed electorate to elicit hate and fear for political gain because even for the representatives of the "values voters" the ends justify the means regardless of how immoral their actions may be.

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