Thursday, August 7, 2014

Republican's offer ironically awful attacks on Mark Schauer

Polls show that over the past few months Mark Schauer has closed the gap in the Michigan governor's race with Rick Snyder. It comes as no surprise that this has put Republicans on the attack. In the last week alone three of my conservative colleagues wrote columns attempting to attenuate the Schauer campaign. While most political campaigns employee selective data analysis to cast aspersions on a candidate the talking points being offered seem to indicate a level of desperation from Michigan's Right.

First to take a swing at Mark Schauer was Director of Communications for the Michigan Republican Party, Darren Littell. His complaints are two-fold. One being that Mark Schauer voted in the Republican primary of the 2012 election cycle to which he asks the question "where are the Democratic officials who condemn this type of behavior and why aren’t they admonishing Mark Schauer for his antics?" The second complaint is that he misses too many votes and lost a seat on the coveted Campaign & Election Oversight Committee for missing meetings.

Perhaps cross voting is a problem however it seems hypocritical for the MRP to chastise Mark Schauer for his single vote when the guy they support for governor, Rick Snyder, appealed to Democrats to vote for him in the 2010 primary election.

As far as the missed meetings are concerned reports show that Schauer attended every meeting that was held in Lansing but missed the four that the Republican controlled committee held elsewhere. Of course Schauer wasn't unique in missing meetings either. In fact while one Republican also missed four meetings but didn't lose his seat, the chairman was the only member to show up to all 9 meetings.

But if Republicans are really serious about Mark Schauer's record on voting attendance they would acknowledge that as a member of the US House of Representatives his 0.8% missed vote rate is much better than his successor Republican Tim Walberg's rate of 2.2% and superior to that of Michigan worst voting representative Mike Rogers at 5.8%.

As a Michigan State Senator his 2.4% rate compares favorably to the rest of the Senate and falls short of the number of votes missed by 10 of his Republican colleagues.

If Republican's believe missing votes shows a politician doesn't deserve their job then they might want to do some house cleaning before pointing a finger at Mark Schauer.

Next up in the bash-a-Schauer sweepstakes was editor at, Dan Calabrese who while appreciative of the effort found Mark Schauer's jobs plan to be boilerplate liberal policies. Ironically Dan goes point by point using boilerplate conservative logic to prove these ideas wrong. The problem is this doesn't make one side right and the other side wrong. Part of the reason an idea becomes standard fair for political parties is because the parties believe these ideas work. How boilerplate they are doesn't address their effectiveness.

Of course if just being boilerplate is an issue it should be noted that Rick Snyder's revolutionary ideas to create jobs are cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and busting unions. Are there Republican circles where these concepts qualify as avant-garde?

The last applicant to attempt a take down of Mark Schauer is Republican activist Brandon Helderop who attempts to draw a parallel between President Obama and Mark Schauer suggesting that the presidents current approval rating of 39 percent speaks to his results as president. Of course if this low approval rating reflects poorly on the presidents abilities then it should be noted that Rick Snyder's approval rating stands a touch lower at 37 percent.

Brandon also has concerns that over his 12 years in the Michigan legislature Mark Schauer voted to increase taxes over 40 times. It should be noted however that in just four years Rick Snyder has supported or signed into law a tax on pensions, a tax on gas, an increased taxes on homeowners, an increase in taxes for low income Michiganders, an increase in taxes for families with children, as well as eliminating tax credits for food banks, homeless shelters, college tuition, adoptions, and donations to universities, and public radio stations. All told around half of Michigan tax payers have seen a tax increase under Rick Snyder.

If the average Michigan family is worried about their tax rate going up they should probably be less worried about the nebulous tax increases Mark Shauer may have supported fifteen years ago and more interested in the increases that Rick Snyder offered to pay for his big corporate tax give away.

To end his article Brandon states that "Schauer has run a campaign based on rhetoric and little substance." While this seems like a claim that could be made against nearly every candidate for public office over the past century or more one wonders if Republicans were inspired by the specifics of Rick Snyder's first campaign when talking about the number of jobs his corporate tax cut would create "Can we quantify all the numbers? No. But we know it's going to happen." Now that's substance.

And if vapid rhetoric is a major problem shouldn't Republicans be concerned that as a candidate Rick Snyder was against taxing pensions, against increasing gas taxes, and against picking winners and loser yet suddenly supported them as governor.

It's fine to believe the Mark Schauer isn't the right man for the job but if these attacks are meant to prove that point Rick Snyder should be very concerned since these Republican metrics indicate he is even less qualified to be governor than Mark Schauer.

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