Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Guns allowed at Arts, Beats, and Eats

It has been decided by the Royal Oak City Commission that people will be aloud to carry handguns at the Arts, Beats, and Eats festival in Royal Oak Michigan. I really don't have strong opinions one way or another regarding gun rights but the question I have about this is why?

Why do people need to carry a fire arm at a festival? I have been to this event and at no point did a firefight breakout. Additionally the festival has policeman (less now of course thanks to these same gun toting yahoos how keep pushing for lower taxes which costs jobs for public servants like policemen) to intervene in case of an incident.

These people need to understand that they are not John McClane and this is not the movies. Your life is not constantly threatened and not being able to openly carry a gun into a preschool class (those kids can be mean I tell you) is not a suppression of your rights.

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