Monday, August 9, 2010

Unions and the Republican evolution...ironic, I know.

I am not a big supporter of unions because it seems to me that today's union is more concerned about self preservation than making sure it's members and the benefits they receive are an asset to their corporation.

This leads me to today's example of Repubocrisy. Republicans have never been big supporters of Unions because Republicans tend to represent (see; are bought and paid for by) business and Unions are by in large a detriment to business (if you ask business folk). Similarly the current tactics of the Republican party are akin to that of a big union. Republicans are doing everything in their power to make sure nothing happens and that the business of the Federal government is to do no business. They have an litany of tactics aimed at making the President and by extension Democrats look bad. The goal is to regain power in November. They don't care that their actions are directly leading to increased job losses and a stagnant economy because their aim is not to make sure the business of the Federal government is successful but that the Democrats take the blame for our current woes. This is the only way they can regain power. They have offered little to no ideas on improving the economy, health care, air quality, or immigration because every time they open their mouths we are reminded of how we arrived at this point in the first place.

One example is a quote from John Boehner recently where he stated "I think having a moratorium on new Federal regulations is a great idea,". Yes, it must have been too much regulation that lead to the BP oil spill and the collapse of the housing market.

Or how about Mitch McConnell who said "There's no evidence whatsoever that the Bush tax cuts actually diminished revenue,". Apparently actually having diminished revenue is not evidence to Senator McConnell.

Republicans have become so entrenched in spin and double talk that they have actually evolved (or created by god since Barack Obama was elected) into a clone of one of the very entities they despise most.

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