Monday, April 12, 2010

Name Calling

Is there a test I can take that evaluates my level of "True Patriotism"? I'm not sure why anyone is more of a Patriot than I am but I really wish someone could explain to me how I can join the ranks.

The consistent name calling from the right does nothing to help this country. If anything it only seeks to further divide us. Calling yourself a Patriot is such an arbitrary designation. What certification did you obtain for such self revelry? The implication is that if I disagree with you I am un-patriotic. How can I defend myself against opinion? I would argue that the more likely you are to chastise people for being un-patriotic the more likely you are to be racist. The nice thing is that you can’t prove me wrong because racism, in the way I’m using it as a blanket term for a group of people, is completely subjective.

We all want what is best for this country we just see different ways to get there and that is exactly what our system allows – discussion and debate, not violence and hate. Your Socialist is my Patriot, your Communist is my Nationalist, your Totalitarian is my Democracy. We should spend less time on name calling which exaggerates our differences and more time listening to the other side. Even a conservative like Tom Coburn understands this.

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