Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Security Insolvency? Not from my point of view.

I have heard a lot of talk over the last decade about how SS is bankrupt. A recent CBO report suggests we have 85 years before we will be out of money so I'm not sure we are in dire straits right now.

My take on this is that like most things in government right now we are just not fully funding the SS program. Like a classic Democrat (according the Republican lore) I'm for redistribution, though I'm for redistribution of our current federal funds. The way I see it right now programs like SS, Medicare, and Medicaid are fine however the department of Military and Defense is running a deficit.

I guess moving forward we can only afford to have defense spending that is three times as large as the next biggest spending country. If a humble guy like Lebron James can take a cut to keep from bankrupting the Miami Heat, I think the Military can do the same for America. After all, when was the last time you saw the Military have a meaningful win like Lebron...Oh wait.

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