I mean it likely does not surprise our readers that I am not a regular viewer of Hannity. To the extent I have seen him, I find him to be about as much of a lunatic as the aforementioned somewhat higher profile Glenn Beck. I don't know that he is quite the shameless self-promoter that is Mr. Beck who seems to have taken on an old-school televangelist persona - one that has made him a lot of money and presumably will continue to do so for years and, perhaps, decades to come.
Anyway, I was watching The Colbert Report and Stephen Colbert caught Sean Hannity seemingly trying to use the Egypt Uprising to put lipstick on the pig that was George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq:
SH: The only democracy that has emeged when you see uprising like this is in Iraq. Name me one other example...I can't think of one is history, can you?
To which Stephen responds:
SC: No... I mean besides the Czech Republic, India, France, Poland, East Germany and...I feel like I'm forgetting one... oh yeah, the United States!
OWNED! I guess Mr. Hannity does not see it as hyperbole when he makes the assertion that "America is the single greatest nation that God ever gave man on the Earth".
American Revolution? Nah... God did it.
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