Let me be clear, I really do not want to do a full-throated defense of Governor Snyder. I did not vote for him and I do not consider myself a supporter. However, I have been hearing a lot of "hair on fire" rhetoric from the Left about what he is doing - particularly with regards to a recent bill that authorizes so-called Emergency Financial Managers (EFMs) with broad authority to intervene in financially struggling communities. For example, the brilliant Rachel Maddow did a segment on it and while I did find her to be persuasive... I am not necessarily persuaded.
And perhaps shockingly, I would use logic recently expressed by conservative pundit Michael Medved - who don't know well enough to rank on the Conservative Reasonableness Scale (see below) - in pushing back against whack jobs on the Right saying Obama was purposefully ruining the country. Medved argued that it was a nonsensical argument because President Obama has the same motivation as any other (non-lame duck) politician... he wants to get re-elected! And hence he was pursuing policies that would, in his analysis, help that occur.
Similarly, I fully expect Governor Snyder to to try to responsibly deal with financial crises (within the scope of his own ideological parameters) - not to use EFMs to subvert democracy and establish "monarchial rule" (something I heard a caller on Sirius Left suggest was the end game).
Always Reasonable: David Brooks
Typically Reasonable: David Frum
More Often Reasonable: George Will, Peggy Noonan
More Often Unreasonable: Charles Krauthammer
Completely Unreasonable: Michelle Malkin (ideological), Rush Limbaugh (cynical ratings whore)
Bat-Shit Crazy: Pamela Gellar (insane?), Glenn Beck (motivation is unclear... could have psychological problems and lack a firm grasp on reality. He might just a complete idiot who can not analyze facts. Then again, he might just be a Rush Limbaugh-esque ratings whore who is actually very successful if his goal is only to make money.
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