Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Power to the...Government?

In his continuing attempts to make Michigan more attractive for business Governor Snyder has signed a bill to end the item pricing law in Michigan. For those of you who don’t know, most stores were required to put a purchase price on each item in the store so consumers could easily determine the cost of the item they were purchasing.

I personally don’t care about this law. I think the supposed savings that changing the law will create are an industry generated pipe dream but repealing the law doesn’t bother me. Unfortunately for Governor Snyder the public is against repealing this law by quite a wide margin. Polls like this typically lead a politician to start a campaign to convince the voters that this is a good idea. While the Governor has taken a few minutes to give some sound bites about the value of repealing this law this will most likely be the last time he talks about it. Thanks to a provision inserted in the bill the voting public cannot put this bill on the ballot. The Governor has decided that he knows best and the democratic process of democracy is not an inalienable right of the people. We the people are welcome to vote on any issues as long as the Governor allows us to.

What I really don’t get is the lack of concern over this blatant power grab. The Detroit News article on the repeal doesn’t even mention the fact that the law is voter proof. What happened to the liberal media I keep hearing about? I thought we were against big government telling us what we can and cannot do? Our state constitution guarantees us the right to citizen referendum so why is this bill exempt?

Again I really don’t care about this particular bill but if it is OK for our legislator to make one law that the citizens of Michigan cannot challenge then it is OK for the legislator to take the power away from the people for any law they create.

That is a scary interpretation of democracy.

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