Friday, June 10, 2011

Doing The Right Thing? Does Not Compute.

A few observations from last night's Rachel Maddow Show:

Ms. Maddow was discussing the Anthony Weiner scandal with Chris Hayes and they agreed that GOP politicians who are calling on Rep. Weiner to resign are really nothing more than opportunists. Mr. Hayes says:

The cheapest way to score a "family values point" is... to parachute in with some censorious statement about someone else's problem... it doesn't cost anything. You don't actually have to do anything.

I agree (to the extent that they have not felt the need to urge David Vitter et al to resign in the past). Ms. Maddow also agrees. Rachel says:
I feel like I understand why Republicans are calling for Anthony Weiner's resignation... it's, as you say, opportunism (but) what is going on with the 9 or 10 Democrats now who are also calling on Anthony Weiner to resign?

Uhhh... maybe because it's the right thing to do? (And, of course, it was/is the right thing for David Vitter to have done/do too). They absolutely brought embarassment to the institution of the United States congress; I say that fully aware that certain people (*cough* Bachmann!) arguably bring shame every time they open their cheese-holes.

I guess that brings me to my own counterpoint. If those previous paragraphs were brought to you by Derek Anderson Fan... perhaps these next few paragraphs might be considered to be authored by my alter ego, Derek Jeter Hater.

Earlier in the segment - the pretext if you will - was a video of GOP presidential candidate, Rick Santorum saying:

If I had done what Congressman Weiner had done, I'd be worried about my family and getting my life back together... I would've stepped down and done what's best for the people that I love.

Now, who is he to say what is best for Anthony Weiner's family? Why is it everyone assumes that stepping down is necessarily a positive? Who looks at a family situation and says "you know what would improve this situation? Unemployment!" Brilliant idea!!

Now, admittedly, I am probably being somewhat silly with the unemployment concern - but I am absolutely serious as to my questioning as to why it is universally assumed that resignation helps save families/marriages? Rep. Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, who has long been involved in Democratic politics, have been married less than a year. Weiner has been a US Congressman since 1999. Seemingly, they have only known each other in essentially their current roles - meaning there is no 'Reset' button in this relationship where they can go back to a simpler time when they were college sweethearts, before Anthony was corrupted by the allure of power, notoriety, and/or internet porn.

They are what they are. Only they know what is best for their relationship. If Huma wants him to resign - he should probably resign- but he sure as shit should not resign because a Bible thumping douchebag like Rick Santorum thinks it's best. Fuck him.

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