Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Palin 2012

As a Democrat I'm very excited about the continued obsession with Sarah Palin and her potential run for President. Nothing boosts the Democratic brand more than having people like Palin as the spokes people for the Republican party. Unfortunately Palin only has a 22% favorability rating which is as low as George W. Bush ever sank. At least Bush actually did something for people to like or dislike. Palin might as well have been a community organizer for the past few years for as much as she has accomplished.

In what I assume to be an effort to improve her brand Palin is taking a "vacation" across America using money donated to SarahPAC and made her latest gaffe of butchering the history of Paul Revere.

Personally I really don't care what Sarah Palin does or does not know about American history. There is plenty of quotes to suggest that she might not be the smartest candidate for president that this country has every seen. The problem I have is that she defended her ignorance and the blamed a gotcha question. This is a tried and true response for Palin when she missteps on questions. Since her supporters have backed this defense in the past why not try it again. But maybe she has a point. Who among us would so readily be able to answer such a loaded question as the one posed to Palin.

"What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"

Clearly the person asking this question was planted by the liberal media just looking for a way to make Palin look silly. If we don't blame someone else for Palin's gaffes then she just becomes another citizen who is completely unqualified to be President and she is just too important to the Democratic party to let that happen.

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