Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Adult Conversation?

Shortly after the November elections, Republicans starting showing up on various political television shows and talking about how we need to have "an adult conversation". Apparently their idea of an adult conversation goes something like "I'm rubber and you're glue; whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."

It started with Eric Cantor's "I'm taking my ball and going home" action of walking out of debt ceiling negotiations because John Boehner and the President had a play date and Cantor wasn't invited.

Follow that up with Mitch McConnell's "I know you are but what am I" where he pouts because the President won't meet him half way by accepting McConnell's first and only position of no increased revenue.

But of course the best example of how mature Republican politicians handle something as important as the possible collapse of the world economy from US debt default was the "whoever smelt it dealt it" plan presented yesterday by Mitch McConnell that allows the debt ceiling to be raised without a single Republican having to go on record as voting for it.

I guess if this is how adults handle important decisions, I might just prefer we go back to those childish conversations of the past where compromise and bi-partisan weren't the political equivalent of H E double hockey sticks.

Of course the conversations are not over and there is always a chance these things get turned around. As an example of how this might happen below is a note Mitch McConnell gave to the President yesterday during their negotiations which shows how mature leaders can come to an agreement.

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