There are many things that tick me off. The demise of Celebrity Poker Showdown, the demise of World Series of Pop Culture, and the massive success of Celebrity Apprentice being some notable examples. Oh, and George W. Bush taking us to war in Iraq under false pretenses... that was annoying too.
However, few things piss me off more than Republicans and conservatives who simultaneously espouse the views of "the stimulus didn't work" and "tax cuts create jobs". I thought of that again this week when, on Monday's Dylan Ratigan Show, conservative pundit Tim Carney said "lowering tax rates at this time will create jobs". He said that on the same day that Speaker Boehner was granted television time by the all the major networks to respond to President Obama's speech on the debt standoff and claimed the stimulus failed.
Let me say it again, the Stimulus Bill was significantly made up of tax cuts! It's true. Either acknowledge that the Stimulus Bill did, in fact, create or save millions of jobs (as the CBO indicates), or acknowledge that your platform of additional tax cuts is not a job creating agenda.
As Stephen Colbert says: "We're at war, sir. Pick a side!"
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