If you have been the least bit tuned into political news the past few days you know that there has been a considerable amount of flap over a video of Mitt Romney pigeonholing about half of the US population.
While it is true that 46% of households paid no federal income tax, Mitt Romney's statement that these people "believe that they are victims" and "believe the government has a responsibility to care for them" certainly is not.
First this ignores the fact that 1.5% of millionaires, 2% of Americans making between $200,000 and $1 million, and 3.5% of Americans making between $100,000 and $200,000 pay no federal income tax. Does Mitt really think that the "job creators" (millionaires) believe the government has a responsibility to care for them?
Second this ignores that once you add in all taxes many in the "47%" actually pay a higher percentage of their wages in taxes than many in the 53%.
And of course it Mitt also ignores the other facts pointed out in articles here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
But the inaccuracies aren't even the most disappointing part. Given how much conservatives have invested in beating Barack Obama they are coming out in support of Mitt Romney's statement with a few even calling Mitt Romney's statements "courageous".
How low has the bar been set when slandering millions of people behind closed doors at a $50,000 a plate fundraiser becomes courageous? This is like calling Chris Christie health conscious when he orders a salad with his 1/2 pound cheeseburger.
Is there a rational debate to be had about entitlement programs? Sure there is but Mitt Romney did not make that argument. Instead he chose to pigeonhole millions of American's to appease a group of elites.
So while conservatives desperate to oust Obama continue to try and put lipstick on this pig there is one thing they can all be proud of, Mitt didn't need any government assistance on his latest deregulation of the mouth because the firestorm regarding these remarks, well, Mitt built that.
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