This election season Republicans have finally decided to fight back against this country's repressive policies which have been limiting the opportunities for rich white men for decades.
If you are a woman, the Republican Party has a new set of rules for you to follow. If you're in a union, the Republican Party is going to take away right to collectively bargain. If you're an immigrant, you better have your papers ready. If you want to vote, you are going to need to more I.D. than it takes to get a gun. If you're poor, the Republican Party is going to cut your benefits.
But while these are all important ways for the Republican Party to suppress the groups that tend to vote for Democrats, one of the biggest ways Republicans are stacking the deck for oppressed rich white men is education.
Republicans want to cut funding to public education, cut wages for educators, and eliminate the department of education. When President Obama stated he wanted everyone to go to college he got push back from the top to GOP presidential candidates suggesting that Obama was a "snob" who was trying to indoctrinate American children.
But given that these same men attended private school and hold multiple degrees it seems that they do value education. Just not yours, because what both of these men know is what a recent poll revealed. The only segment of the population that consistently supports Mitt Romney over Barack Obama are those without a college education.
So how better to broaden the Republican base and ensure future election success than to limit the opportunity for the middle class and the poor to get an education.
They start with the fallacy that educators make too much while simultaneously suggesting that in business to get the best employees you have to be willing to pay above market value.
They cut funding for early education programs which have been shown to increase a child’s odds of completing college. This of course builds on itself since children of parents who didn't attend college were less likely to attend college themselves.
They are also looking to cut funding for Pell Grants and other student aid programs. Studies show the more a student works while attending college the less likely they are to graduate.
Of course this tactic also has the added benefit of giving the privileged children of these men a leg up when they hit the job market since with less college graduates from the poor and middle class there will be less competition for the high paying jobs.
So if you're part of the vastly underserved minority of rich white men, don't worry. Mitt Romney has your back. If you're not a rich white man Mitt Romney has a plan for you too. He is going to offer you the "dignity of work" to pay for your own schooling. That way you will truly appreciate it when you become successful. Until then, Mitt thanks you for your vote.
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