Last year, Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs,
opined that the federal debt is the greatest national security threat that the nation faces. I think his theory is that to be a global superpower, you have to be an economic superpower and we could cease to be so if we allow the continued ballooning of the federal debt, lack a manufacturing base, run massive trade deficits, etc.
It is a reasonable analysis that politicians of both parties should consider as they try to come up with a plan to deal with our medium-to-long term economic situation.
Well, needless to say, GOP politicians are doing much more than just considering it. Many have fully embraced it and are highlighting it whenever the opportunity presents itself - which, I should point out, there is nothing inherently wrong with. When important analysis comes out that supports your ideological view, it is only natural to try to make sure your fellow citizens know about it. For most people, that means telling friends, e-mailing links, posting to Facebook, tweeting (I guess), or blogging - which is the highest form of modern impersonal communication. For elected officials, it can be e-mailing supporters, posting to their website, issuing press releases, writing op-eds, spouting off on any cable news show that will have them (or a respectable Sunday morning show if they are "important" or sufficiently well known).
For example,
here is an op-ed mentioning the "debt bomb" from Tea Party darling Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC).
The important thing to realize, however, is that you cannot just embrace that which you agree with while entirely dismissing the information that doesn't fit within your ideological view. And I am here to tell you that the GOP is very much guilty of this. I mean Admiral Mullen opines on the "debt bomb"... very big deal. But do you know what intelligence and military analysis previously determined was a substantial national security threat?
Climate Change!
And what does GOP want to do about climate change?
"Nothing" you say?
Wrong! They actually want to make it worse! Their recent
budget extension bill would have essentially
neutered the EPA by including provisions such as stripping it of it's legal authority with regards to regulating greenhouse gas emissions. And, by the way, it should be noted that it wouldn't have done so with some legalese tucked away in the middle of the bill with the hope that no one would notice. No, no. This is GOP dogma and they're perfectly willing to go on national TV and argue that the EPA should
go the way of the Eastern Cougar.
This was just the latest example of the the GOP being entirely hypocritical. Heck, it should not be forgotten that they are even complete hypocrites on the budget issue. Was it not Vice President Dick Cheney who said "
deficits don't matter"? Or, to be even more damningly precise (considering the conservative fetish for Ronald Reagan), what Mr. Cheney
actually said was:
Reagan proved deficits don't matter.
Of course, that was after House Speaker Newt Gingrich had spent the mid-90s trying to gut social programs, most notoriously shutting down the government in attempt to privatize Medicare. The obvious takeaway is that, to the GOP,
deficits only matter when a Democrat is in the White House.
And just to put something of a post-script on this. Consider the aforementioned Medicare. Newt Gingrich tried to privatize the program in the 1990s - leading to a government shutdown. A few years later, President George W. Bush, in a desperate attempt to have some kind of accomplishment he could use to court a certain group of voters (the elderly), passes an expansion of the program (Part D)
without paying for it. Then, the Democrats propose health care reform package which includes
efforts to save money on Medicare - leading the GOP and conservative media to howl in disapproval and
suggest that it will cut Medicare benefits (even as
AARP officially supported the plan). Now, after that moment of opportunism has passed, they are again
proposing the ending of Medicare. What happened to wanting to protect it?
I guess it's like ol' quip about Michigan weather:
if you don't like it, just wait 15 minutes and it will change. That is the GOP.