Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dino Rossi doesn't understand the word bailout.

Dino Rossi the Republican candidate for Senate in Washington has called the most recent small business bill a bailout. The problem is, this is money that is being set aside for banks to specifically offer credit to small business that have been unable to get it. Banks are hesitant to lend in these hard times which only compounds the problems for small business that unlike big business are not sitting on piles of cash. This gives the smaller banks some security in offering loans to smaller business that have a higher risk.

According to Wikipedia the definition of a bailout is as follows:

"an act of giving capital to an entity (a company, a country, or an individual) in danger of failing in an attempt to save it from bankruptcy"

Based on Dino Rossi's claims every bank loan must now be considered a bailout since all this bill does is offer loans - not give aways - loans. Evil right?

Additionally Rossi seems to be out of step with Mitch McConnell on this, who recently called this aid package:

"a little itty-bitty small business bill that no one thinks will have much of an impact on the economy."

Based on his statements McConnell seems to prefer a bigger small business aid package which is in stark contrast to Rossi.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the Bush Tax Cuts. I hear Republicans (I'm looking at you Chuck Grassley) talking about how letting the tax cuts for people making over $250,000 will hurt small businesses. As an employee of a small business I was very skeptical of this claim. After further investigation using the Gretchen Carlson Google I found the following article titled Who Makes $250,000 a Year, Not Small Business Owners. It is from 2008 so the information may be slightly outdated but the point still remains that there is a very small number of people making over $250,000 and almost none of them are small business owners. So this argument that ending the tax cuts for this top percentage of wage earners will hurt main street is complete bunk. It will hurt the following groups:

Corporate CEO's
Brokers and Investment Bankers
People who come from money

These are not your everyday people and by in large they do not create jobs for the general public. Eliminating this tax cut will help the deficit and the only people it hurts, are people who can afford to pay a little extra. When you add to this, the fact that most of these people find ways to hide their money and end up paying less taxes than the little guys, it becomes a no brainer.

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