I have had a number of other thoughts on this whole Terry Jones Qu'ran BBQ. First in some of the support I have seen for Mr. Jones it seems that people feel that Muslims are just evil people, such as this quote from redstate.com:
" If Islamists did not have koran burnings to incite them to kill Americans, they would just find something else. Heck, they may go back to soldiers in Iraq using the koran for target practice."
I here these guys are considering voting for Mitt Romney because of his ability to unite people.
My guess is that the people who are supporting Terry Jones are some of the same people who supported the Iraq War from the get go. Well George W. Bush had the following to say:
" A young democracy will provide the stability we look for. I will tell you that if we just isolate ourselves from the Middle East and hope for the best, we will not address the conditions that had led young suiciders to get on airplanes to come and attack us in the first place."
This means either the Terry Jones supporters are stupid or completely ignorant. If Muslims are evil people then why in hell would we try convert them to Democracy. Why would we help evil people enact the greatest form of government the universe has ever known. It just doesn't make sense. Saddam Hussein was evil and we used our Democracy to kill him not reform him. Did you people not understand the mission W. laid out?
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