Wednesday, September 8, 2010

WWJD? Apparently Terry Jones isn't all that christian.

Why is it that the right only supports the Military when it is convenient for them? John McCain said he would essentially defer to the military leadership on don't ask don't tell. That was until the military leadership came out with a stance that John McCain didn't agree with.

Similarly the right loved David Petraeus up until he indicated that burning the Qu'ran was not a good thing. Being uninformed on the topic like Gretchen Carlson I looked up the event on Google and the first listing in the news section was under which the author states:

"David Petraeus and the media have decided to magnify the event and guarantee it’ll be featured on the front page of every major newspaper in the Middle East."

Yes, David Petraeus, with one simple statement, trying to protect the lives of our American service men and women has now become part of one of the most hated groups in America - The Liberal Media. If there is anything more damning of the conspiracy theory that is the liberal media bias, I haven't seen it. That's right conservatives we got David Petraeus and we don't plan on stopping until all of the military is under our control. You've caught us. It's so freeing to finally have our agenda out in the open. Soon we will eliminate all unnecessary military actions...Oh wait, I actually agree with that.

Well regardless, the blogger continues on to say:

"Petraeus is essentially attributing direct responsibility for American deaths to the activities of American citizens"

As if Muslims would not react to the burning of their holy book with any hatred. The author even suggests that a violent reaction would be a uniquely Muslim action and that Christians would never perpetrate such retaliation.

Again after a simple Google search I found the following story of a young man who was taped to a flag pole by military veterans because he burned the flag.

I assumed I would find the same redstate people defending Terry Jones to chastise these veterans. He is some of the comments:

1.It’s unfortunate that this ass didn’t catch fire in the process!!

4.Thank you Veterans for taking care of this creep!!! If you find any more despicable people like this, do it again!! I’m behind you 100%!!

7.This smells like justice to me.

28.I am a Vietnam Nam Veteran and a member of a VFW an American Legion and a Disabled Ameracan Veterans Post. Lucky for him I wasen’t there or any of my members. We wouldn’t have given him three choices.

While burning the flag and burning the Qu'ran are both legal I'm not sure either is a very good form of protest as both will elicit more hate from the other side. The Muslims will simple revert to the tried and true Christian belief of an eye for an eye. The only problem is, as the example above illustrates, the eye for eye exchange program never seems adequate to the second party and so the never ending cycle of increasing violence usually ensues.

The really odd thing is that if Terry Jones were truly Christian, he would meet with the Muslims and try to show then the error of their ways not look for opportunities to incite violence.

This is another example of how conservatives have trouble putting themselves in someone else's shoes. Not all Muslims are extremist and if Terry Jones knew how offensive burning their holy book was to them he would never even consider the idea.

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