Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Glenn Beck finally conservative enough to get the call from the big guy upstairs

Bill Maher recently made statements about religion being the cause of most wars. While I am not completely sold on this idea religion has certainly led to its fair share of killing and anyone who asks you to do something in the name of God is asking you to do the work of the Devil. This brings us to Glen Beck.

What is odd to me is that when God apparently talks to people he never tells them to save the very planet that he (or she) created. God seems to prefer death and greed in his requests.

- God told George W. Bush to invade Iraq. I'm not sure why God didn't just have Bush Senior finish the job if it was really important. You can't tell me that God created both of these guys and decided W. was the man for the job.

- God told Oral Roberts to raise 8 million dollars or he would kill him. This is insultingly moronic to anyone who considers themselves a Christian.

- Apparently God instructed David Koresh on who to marry and a litany of other things including being good with Koresh having sex with children.

While I can't believe it took this long God is finally talking to Glenn Beck. Like Jesus before him Beck has been tasked with changing the world (starting with the US of course). To pander to the racists that make up the bulk of the "Beckerheads" Beck will announce his plan on the same day and place of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. At this speech Beck will lay out "The Plan" that God has asked him to "Articulate". I can't see how this can possibly go wrong. A man who pulls things out of thin air to make and argument using chalk boards and embarrassingly rudimentary flow charts is going to put together a plan to save the US from...?

Let me put this plain and simple. If you believe in a God that can do all of the shit you think he can do, he ain't using George W. Bush, Oral Roberts, David Koresh, and Glenn Beck to get things done. If you want to listen to Glen Beck because you think his ideas are sound then great, but don't embarrass yourself and believe for one second that Glenn Beck was given a direct line to the man in charge. As Beck him self would point out "believer" contains the word "lie" and that is exactly what Glenn Beck is doing.

1 comment:

  1. Derek Anderson fan says:

    I would like to say to Bill Maher that I am available to be on his show whenever he needs me.
