Last week it was noted on this blog that Rush Limbaugh implied that the cause of the explosion at the Deepwater Horizon could be terrorism. Well, this week Congress is holding hearings on the incident and the three main culprits are all expected to testify and take full responsibility for nothing. Instead, in the American tradition, they will all blame each other for the failings of the rig.
So how does this relate to Rush Limbaugh’s comments you ask? Well it seems to me that three of the worst terrorist groups in the world are at work here. The first being BP, representing the terrorist group of Big Oil. They routinely use their main source of income as a biological weapon to kill animal life the world over. The second being Transocean, representing the terrorist group of Big Business. Like most terrorist groups, they utilize illegal practices and exploit the needs of the American public. These ill-gotten gains are put right back into the group to fund future operations. Finally we have Haliburton, representing the terrorist group Government Corruption. They use the corporation as a front to bring down our Democracy from within. In a well designed ponzi scheme, they take money from the American taxpayer to pay off politicians and obtain government contracts on the cheap. Once awarded these contracts, they make sure that each operation fails in a way that exposes a flaw of our system and then they use the politicians they bought to spin the blame away from the terrorist in charge of the operation towards the en vogue enemy of the day.
I'm glad to see that Rush was finally out in front of a story and that his paranoia about everything is actually paying off. Let's see if he keeps up his good work and locates other terrorist groups at work here in the US.
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