Thursday, May 27, 2010

Liberal Media Bias?

I'm not saying you're stupid I'm just saying your not smart if you have been convinced that there is a Liberal Media bias. Aside from the obvious fact that big companies own most major news outlets and these companies are overwhelmingly conservative. The fact remain that the media reports good stuff because of capitalism. There are two types of media outlets: legitimate and entertainment. The legitimate news sources will align themselves with the white house because if you ask the tough questions and report the bad stuff you don't get to ask any more questions (just ask Helen Thomas). If you never get the inside story then people have no reason to watch your channel which means no money for you. This is why democrats sent around stupid emails titled "you won't see this on the main stream media" when Bush was in charge and Republicans have taken up the torch with Obama as president. That is unless you are an entertainment news source. Then all bets are off. You can basically make up anything you want and claim it to be true (see Glenn Beck).

We here at furriners base all of our opinions on facts (except the man love for DA)so please feel free to quote us at any time.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the big media programs don't need to report on insignificant stuff. There are political things happening almost everyday, but that doesn't mean they are news worthy. Was there an important speaker at this event or did some get hurt or a least some minor conflict happen? If not, it won't be making the news. Again this is more about money than bias. If there is no news to report then there is no report filed. Would it be some sort of shocking headline that some people disagree with the Presidents policies?

In the end the debate over media is meaningless. It keeps people from looking at the real issues. If you never listen to the other side because you believe nothing they say is true you only hurt your own understanding. Additionally this debate is based on perception. Find me multiple studies that prove a media bias and I'll concede, but the only examination done on this topic is from the far wings trying to prove a point and their information is, ironically, completely slanted. No self respecting political scientist will do a serious study on this because they realize there is no way to make facts out of opinions. You're more likely to find definitive evidence that unicorns exist than you are to determine which way the political winds are blowing with regards to the media. If it were a real problem Politicians would make it part of their platform "to end the liberal media bias". It’s a manufactured debate meant to distract you from real issues.

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