Monday, June 7, 2010

It's your money!

As I have mentioned here before you have a limited amount of money and regardless of weather your money goes to pay for services provided by the public sector or good provided by the private sector you should care where you money goes. While people certainly seem very aware of the money that goes to the public sector there is no focused concern for the leaching of our wallets done by the private sector even though for most people that is where over 75% of their money goes.

Doing some research I found that the Federal budget is equivalent to that of the top 30 fortune 500 companies combined and together these companies made over $158 billion in profit while our government operates at a loss. They both employ Americans yet one is making big bucks, like Exxon Mobile who had a profit of $44 billion in 2009. If Exxon had used the model required by state governments it would have saved the average American around $220 on gas last year. That's just the cost to the American tax payer from one greedy company. We need to understand that fighting the machine means fighting big business and the government is our main vehicle for change. The government (mainly the Democrats) is dong everything it can to increase jobs even creating more of its own while the private sector continues to seek higher profits using less employees. By continuing our overt cynicism for the government we only lessen the power of the people and increase the power of big business and the select few that control them.

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