Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stimulus Surge

I know Republicans can really rally behind a good catch phrase so in another effort to reach across the isle, I wanted to propose a surge. Republicans love a good surge and Democrats love creating jobs with stimulus. Like Paul Krugman says "Spend now, while the economy remains depressed; save later, once it has recovered," "How hard is that to understand?"

What I propose is a Stimulus Surge. It worked for Reagan, and McCain so why not President Obama. This gives the Republicans a name they can get behind and Democrats the money they need to actaully make a difference.

Many economists suggested the Stimulus Package needed to be about twice the size but Republicans are so scared of Deficits (at least when Democrats are in charge) that they limited the package to a bunch of tax cuts and small government spending. The irony is that the only reason the Stimulus Package hasn't had a bigger impact leading Fox News to claim it's not working is because the Republicans watered it down to a point where it's benefits can't be fuly realized.

I say we leave Republicans to making the catchy names and charge Democrats with the actual policy. Republicans have proven time and again that they are not interested in making new policy so why force them to be involved. I just takes time away from the Dolphin hunts and Manitee roud ups.

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