A collective pet peeve in the Furriners office is hypocrisy and it seems that conservatives just can't get enough of the double standards.
Yesterday we talked about the misdirection that the conservatives are trying try run by placing the blame for the BP oil spill on the regulators in an effort to make this a problem of big government instead of big business. We also discussed possible solutions for improvement of the regulatory personnel. With this in mind I wanted to again extend an olive branch to the right.
Since the top priority of the Republicans seems to be promoting blind faith in capitalism then I suggest we use the very tenants of capitalism to improve our regulatory system. I have often been told that the reason big business needs to pay its top people so much money is to make sure they have the best and brightest. This helps them to keep their competitive edge*. The government should use these same tactics and spend lots of money to hire the top talents to work in all areas of government that are in charge of or in contact with big business. This would help to eliminate the bribery scandals that occurred under President Bush and insure that we have the most qualified people possible in positions that people feel are important.
Additionally since branding is so important now a days, we could call this the "Capitalist Government Movement" based on Sam Walton model - find out what the competition does that works then steal their ideas. Ta-da! Future crises avoided. You're welcome!
*Republicans like to ignore the fact that these exorbitant salaries and bonuses are paid for by the American tax payer through higher costs for goods, they are more than happy to point out where every dollar of your tax money goes within the government.
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