Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hey New York - Public Employees Plow the Roads

There has been a lot of talk over the past few days about how bad the snow removal has been in New York city. Setting aside my disdain for the over exposure New York gets for everything, it should be noted that government employees are the ones who plow the snow and lay down the salt. Thanks to the tax cuts that Republicans forced down our throats for the super rich and even some for the rest of us, there are less employees to drive the trucks. There is less salt to be spread. And there are less employees to maintain the equipment. All of this adds up to slower travel for New Yorkers. This will only get worse, as the new year brings a new round of layoffs to New York.

Keep in mind, this is not unique to New York. This is happening in your community too. Your tax dollars pay for things like firefighters, police, and roads. Less tax money means less public service. And this means slower response times for firefighters. It means less criminals being caught by less cops. And yes it means less snow removal and less safe roads. Thank the Republicans who convinced you that less is more, except for the times when less is actually less.


  1. DA Fan says...

    I wouldn't think this has anything to do with the FEDERAL income tax rate?

    This seems like a local issue. Not to mention that are these actually government employees? This seems like a job that should be contracted out... or am I missing something?

  2. I believe this is all done locally by public employees. As far as Federal tax vs. state tax I would suggest to some extent they are all just portions of the same pot and the less there is in the pot the less there is to go around. Do federal taxes go directly to the guys who plow the roads? Probably not. But do Federal taxes go to the states for state employees? Absolutely.
