I have noticed recently that Republicans aren't very good a predicting the outcome of their decisions. I have two examples.
First, John McCain had previously stated that he would support a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell if the military's top brass told him they supported ending the policy. I think John McCain never planned on this happening as he assumed top military leaders would think like he does and would never back such a change. Unfortunately for John McCain they called his bluff. Rather than stick to his word and vote to repeal DADT, McCain has gone on the offensive. That is, after all, what you do when you are backed into a corner. The fact is McCain has always supported the policy and never expected to see it repealed during his tenure so sounding rationale for an upcoming election, made sense.
Second, Republicans have had such a fervent hatred for Barrack Obama that they decided early on to block everything he supported. They were put to the test shortly after his inauguration with the stimulus bill. Having no good rationale for being against the bill they decided the best way to attack it was under the guise of the national debt. Debt and Deficit was never a problem in Republican policy prior to Obama's election but simple minded people don't need good rationale they just need something simple to rally behind. Once they decided this was their new narrative, TARP, which many of the Republicans supported under Bush, came under fire. Not because of who it helped or the lack a regulations that it required which would prevent history from repeating itself, but because it added to the debt. Unfortunately for Republicans the fear mongering worked and people started to hate TARP and Stimulus. The problem for Republicans is that they really love deficit spending. They want to extend tax cuts that will be far more detrimental to the national debt and the deficit than Stimulus, TARP, and Health Care reform combined. They were so excited about having a way to slow down President Obama's progress that they never took the time to realize that being successful would be to their own detriment.
Luckily for Republicans Americans is stupid and they don't realize when the wool is being pulled over their eyes. They support tax breaks for very rich people who already pay less in taxes than they do. They support policies that allow the rich to get rich while keeping the poor and middle class from advancing. Essentially by supporting the Republican position on things they support the exact opposite of their own interests.
Republicans seem to have a policy of short term gain regardless of the long term implications. Their positions on the two topics listed above poll poorly for them and it is their own doing. Now if only Democrats had the balls to make them pay for their mistakes.
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