Friday, December 17, 2010

Treat The Cause, Not The Symptoms

A couple of days ago, I, perhaps inartfully, expressed my discontent with Jon Stewart taking such a special interest in the 9/11 First Responders Bill. Yesterday, in the final Daily Show of 2010, Jon basically devoted the entire show to the topic.

It failed to sway my opinion.

In the yahoo! news article linked above, the first sentence is:

Some have questioned why the Republican effort to block a bill to fund health care for 9/11 first responders hasn't received more coverage on the cable news networks.

Is it not the case that their health care only even needs to be funded via a stand-alone bill is a result of our ridiculous health care system (that does not guarantee health care to all citizens)? Why is Jon Stewart so worked up about this when there are approximately 47 million Americans without health insurance? Studies have shown that the uninsured (remember we're talking about 47 million Americans (at least until ObamaCare fully kicks in in 2014)) live sicker and die younger. This is not a new phenomenom and, yet, only now Jon Stewart is motivated to break the format of his show for a cause?

So, I'll say it again. Let's go Single-payer. Problem solved.

That is my request for you in 2011, J-Stew Beef.

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