Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jobs Report good for Republicans?

A new jobs report is expected soon and all indications are the news will not be good for Democrats. Private sector jobs are expected in increase again with the public sector being the main source of job losses.

Since November of last year the private sector has added over 618,000 jobs, which is modest growth when compared to the the 2.9 million per year created under Clinton, but on pace with George H.W. Bush and almost double the per year creation under George W. Bush. The problem is that we are seeing a net jobs loss because of public sector job losses. The loss of public job losses can be traced directly back to Republicans as they are the one's who have limited government spending and forced changes to Stimulus spending that would saved hundreds of thousands of jobs including local fire and police.

I wish Americans were smart enough to see that the Republicans "pledge to America" is just a call to continue to cut jobs while giving the rich more tax cuts. I also wish Democrats would push their message showing the difference between their plan and actual progress versus the Republicans inaction and the failure of the last decade of Republican policies. In case you don't recall the last decade of Republican policies see the Republican "Pledge to America"(pssst... they're the same thing).

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