Monday, October 18, 2010

Swiss build worlds longest tunnel

On Friday the worlds longest tunnel was completed in Switzerland. The tunnel will be used for cargo and passenger trains as a short cut through the Swiss Alps. While there is an economic benefit the main rationale being the building of the tunnel is the concern over the environmental impact of the current shipping methods, mainly semi-trucks, on the Alps. Each Swiss tax payer is on the hook for over $1,300.

This brings up two important points that are being debated here in the US. The first being infrastructure spending. In the US we are underfunding our national infrastructure by around $200 billion a year according to a report by some former Secretaries of Transportation. To their credit the Swiss realize the value of their investment as it should increase commerce given the convenience with which people and goods can now be transported. Unfortunately the American public is far to selfish to make the same commitment.

The second, and more important point this illustrates is that the Swiss are willing to incur additional taxes to benefit the environment. Unlike Republicans, the Swiss are willing to do this without commitments from any other countries pledging to make similar investments. I'm certain the Swiss would like to see China reduce green house gas emission as well but they are not going to use that an excuse to not do their part.

Americans fascination with reducing taxes and cheap energy has moved us to the back of the pack for innovation and the benefits of being the leader in new technology. The more we resist change the further ahead the rest of the world gets. America didn't become a super power by waiting for someone else to lead but that is exactly what Republicans are doing by keeping foreign fuel cheap and refusing to support the new, home grown, cleaner technologies.

For all of those concerned about China becoming the new super power there is no quicker way to make sure that happens then by sitting on the sidelines and letting the rest of the world become the leaders of the technology race.

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